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Ecologisme: energències planetàries


Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)

29/10/2020: Es fa public l' IPBES #PandemicsReport: Escaping the 'Era of Pandemics'


Crides per a la construcció post-coronavirus

- 27/5/2020: Open letter to Mr. Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal and to Ms. Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy from the Community Power Coalition, REScoop
- 26/5/2020: Over 350 organisations representing over 40 million health professionals and over 4,500 individual health professionals from 90 different countries, wrote to the G20 leaders calling for a #HealthyRecovery, Healthy Recovery
- 16/5/2020: Este virus es un auténtico mensajero: Declaración desde la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Prensa Rural, en català
- 16/5/2020: Work: Democratize, Decommodify, Remediate, Le Monde, Die Zeit, Boston Globe, Le Soir, De Morgen, The Guardian
- 15/5/2020: Compromís amb una ecologia integral, Justicia i Pau
-14/5/2020: Revolució evolutiva per evitar el col·lapse d’espècie, Eudald Carbonell i Roura, Diari digital URV
- 13/5/20920: Degrowth open letter: Degrowth: New Roots for the Economy. Re-imagining the Future After the Corona Crisis, Degrowth
- 11/5/2020: Conservació.cat demana al Parlament de Catalunya aprovar urgentment la Llei de l’Agència de la Natura, Conservació.cat
- 8/5/2020: Welcome to "Reclaiming the World After Covid-19," the inaugural collection of the Blueprint, Progressive International
- 6/5/2020: «Non à un retour à la normale»: de Robert De Niro à Juliette Binoche, l’appel de 200 artistes et scientifiques, Le Monde
- maig 2020: Proposta del cooperativisme català d’un pacte de país per l’economia de la vida, Fundació Roca Galès
- 29/4/2020: Emerging from the Corona crisis with renewables: Appeal to political decision makers, Eurosolar
- 28/4/2020: Call to Action in Response to Covid-19: Renewable Energy is the Key Part of the Solution, IRENA Coalition for Action
- 28/4/2020: A. Guterres, U.N. Secretary General, A Time to Save the Sick and Rescue the Planet, The New York Times
- 23/4/2020: Holandeses avanzan en el escenario pospandemia y proponen un modelo económico basado en el decrecimiento, El Clarin
- 16/4/2020: Carta abierta a la Comisión Europea, al Parlamento Europeo y a los Ministros de Agricultura de los Estados Miembros de la UE, Via Campesina
- 9/4/2020: Emerging from the Emergency: Key Policy Recommendations to G20 Leaders, The Club of Rome
-7/4/2020: Statement by Francesco La Camera, IRENA Director-General, Staying on Course: Renewable Energy in the Time of COVID-19, IRENA

- Avril 2020: Nous bâtissons un movement pour une relance juste, Relance Juste Canada
- April 2020: We are building a movement for a just recovery, Just Recovery Canada
- April 2020: Principles for a #JustRecovery from COVID-19, 350.org


El coronavirus al món

Mapping the worldwide spread of the coronavirus: The Washington Post
Confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million people
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Statistics and Research
Tracking covid-19 excess deaths across countries, The Economist
Visualitzador en temps real


Catalunya en emergencia sanitària

- Generalitat de Catalunya: web coronavirus

- 21/3/2010: Setanta científics de tot l’estat espanyol alerten Sánchez que és urgent el confinament total, VilaWeb

- 25/3/2020: Reunió informativa del president de la Generalitat amb els presidents del grups parlamentaris sobre l'acció del Govern per a fer front al Covid-19, Canal Parlament
- 22/3/2020: Compareixença del MH President Quim Torra
- 20/3/2020: CatRadio entrevista al MH President Quim Torra
- 19/3/2020: la BBC entrevista al MH President Quim Torra
- 15/3/2020: El MH President Quim Torra demana una ‘aturada de país solidària’ i ‘immediata’, VilaWewb
- 15/3/2020: Compareixença del MH President Quim Torra



La crisi del Covid-19 als mitjans

- Perspectives on the Pandemic from Bioneers, Bioneers
- Coronavirus updates: What you need to know about COVID-19, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
- Covid-19 support group, We are body politic
- Coronavirus, MIT Technology Review
- Coronavirus, Nature


- 31/12/2020: Els vaccins i el fracàs del model microbiocèntric davant les malalties infeccioses, La Resistència

- 16/10/2020: Competing with Nature: COVID-19 as a Capitalist Virus, Spectre Journal

- 16/9/2020: In Denmark, the forest is the new classroom, The Washington Post
- 1/9/2020: A Supercomputer Analyzed Covid-19 — and an Interesting New Theory Has Emerged, Elemental

- 30/8/2020: Cinq mois de recherche sur le coronavirus: beaucoup de nouveautés, et encore plus d’inconnues, Le Temps
- 20/8/2020: The Viral Universe. Viruses have big impacts on ecology and evolution as well as human health, The Economist
- 3/8/2020: Els espectacles de la protecció i la cura de la gent, VilaWeb

- 21/7/2020: How to Prevent the Next Pandemic, Earth
- 7/7/2020: Des experts alertent sur la transmission du Covid-19 par l'air, >Le Temps
- 6/7/2020: Preventing the next pandemic - Zoonotic diseases and how to break the chain of transmission, UN Environment
- 2/7/2020: Gisou van der Goot, de l’anthrax au Covid-19, Le Temps Sciences

- 26/6/2020: Universidad de Tarija elabora dióxido de cloro para tratar el COVID-19, La Razón (Bolivia)
- 25/6/2020: Artemisia Annua Could Be Promising Treatment for COVID-19, University of Kentucky
- 24/6/2020: We must not miss this glorious chance to address the climate and biodiversity crises, The Guardian
- 22/6/2020: Covid-19 has led to a pandemic of plastic pollution, The Economist
- 17/6/2020: Le cycle de vie des masques de protection, Le Temps
- 16/6/2020: The Pandemic Hunger Crisis Is Only Just Getting Started, The Atlantic
- 12/6/2020: As coronavirus kills indigenous people in the Amazon, Brazil’s government goes missing, The Washington Post
- 9/6/2020: Boaventura de Sousa Santos: «El virus es un pedagogo que nos intenta decir algo», Ethic
- 6/6/2020: Bruno Latour: 'This is a global catastrophe that has come from within', The Guardian
- 6/6/2020: The Science Behind Orchestras' Careful Covid Comeback, Wired
- 4/6/2020: COVID-19 Can Last for Several Months, The Atlantic
- 3/6/2020: The Navajo Nation and Coronavirus: Planting Hope Amid a Plague, Rolling. Stone
- 2/6/2020: La proximité peut radicalement changer le visage d’une métropole, Le Temps
- 1/6/2020: What will coronavirus do to renewable energy?, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
- 1/6/2020: How Iceland Beat the Coronavirus, The New Yorker
- 1/6/2020: Cities in Poorer Countries Are at Risk as Covid-19 Spreads, Wired

- 31/5/2020: How lockdown converted the world to cycling, and the speedbumps that lie ahead, The Economist
- 28/5/2020: UK suffers second-highest death rate from coronavirus, Financial Times
- 28/5/2020: The Pandemic Does Not Spell the End for Cities, Foreign Affairs
- 25/5/2020: Covid-19 has blown apart the myth of Silicon Valley innovation, MIT Technology Review
- 23/5/2020: L’independentisme hauria d’estar, ideològicament, contra el confinament, VilaWeb
- 22/5/2020: Is the Coronavirus Really Having a Positive Impact on Our Atmosphere?, One Zero
- 21/5/2020: The Results of Europe’s Lockdown Experiment Are In, Bloomberg
- 21/5/2020: A new opportunity to tackle climate change. Countries should seize the moment to flatten the climate curve, Economist
- 21/5/2020: Can covid help flatten the climate curve?, Economist
- 20/5/2020: When should British schools reopen? Here's what the science tells us, The Guardian
- 15/5/2020: «No podemos confiar en tener una vacuna lista dentro de año y medio», Miguel Hernán, Ethic
- 15/5/2020: What We Know About Your Chances of Catching the Virus Outdoors, The New York Times
- 15/5/2020: “La ciencia hace dos décadas que nos avisa del peligro de pandemia”, Juan Verde, La Vanguardia
- 14/5/2020: Dogs caught coronavirus from their owners, genetic analysis suggests, Nature
- 14/5/2020: The Covid-19 Vaccine Fight is Getting Ugly, Bloomberg
- 13/5/2020: Coronavirus – Where do we go from here?, Center for Alternative Technology - CAT
- 13/5/2020: How Covid Is Shifting Human Behavior Around the World: What you need to know, Bloomberg
- 12/5/20920: How Renewable Energy Could Emerge on Top After the Pandemic, Yale Environment 360
- 12/5/2020: Today’s children are the pandemic generation. For millions, the future is now grim, The Washington Post
- 11/5/2020: The coronavirus pandemic has brought the machine of capitalism to a grinding halt, Arundhati Roy, Progressive International
- 11/5/2020: El diari del confinament: 20. Covid-19, salut, clima i energía, Pep Puig, Acció per la República
- 10/5/2020: Covid-19: una oportunidad para despertar, Jordi Pigem, Cuerpomente
- 10/5/2020: Joan-Ramon Laporte: ‘No s’ha de tractar el virus com sigui, s’ha de tractar el pacient’, VilaWeb
- 9/5/2020: El ecólogo que receta naturaleza contra los virus, La Vanguardia
- 9/5/2020: For isolated older people, pandemic is ‘a cruel event at this time in our lives’, Chron
- 8/5/2020: The Race to Develop a Coronavirus Vaccine: What you need to know, Bloomberg
- 8/5/2020: Other countries are winning against the virus. We are quitting, The Washington Post
- 7/5/2020: Scientists Consider Indoor Ultraviolet Light to Zap Coronavirus in the Air, The New York Times
- 7/5/2020: At 107, this artist just beat covid-19. It was the second pandemic she survived, The Washington Post
- 6/5/2020: China is promoting coronavirus treatments based on unproven traditional medicines, Nature
- 6/5/2020: ¡Es la biodiversidad, estúpidos!, La Vanguardia
- 5/5/2020: Children Are Falling Ill With a Baffling Ailment Related to Covid-19, The New York Times
- 4/5/2020: Brace yourself for the most dangerous idea yet: most people are pretty decent, The Correspondent
- 3/5/2020: In A Post-Pandemic World, Renewable Energy Is The Only Way Forward, Forbes
- 3/5/2020: Joan Martínez Alier: ‘El PIB és un invent metafísic per a disciplinar la gent’, VilaWeb
- 3/5/2020: This man assembled his own covid antibody tests for himself and his friends, MIT Technology Review
- 1/5/2020: Rafael Ruiz de Castaneda et Isabelle Bolon: «D’autres virus apparaîtront à l’avenir, si nous n’agissons pas pour limiter les facteurs de risques», Le Temps
- 1/5/2020: Chinese lab conducted extensive research on deadly bat viruses, but there is no evidence of accidental release, The Washington Post
- 1/5/2020: How Well Can Algorithms Recognize Your Masked Face?, Wired
- 1/5/2020: May Day Message from Dr Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International

- 30/4/2020: How Coronavirus Mutates and Spreads, The New York Times
- 30/4/2020: As Georgia Reopens, Virus Study Shows Black Residents May Bear Brunt, The New York Times
- 29/4/2020: What four coronaviruses from history can tell us about covid-19, New Scientist
- 29/4/2020: A Scramble for Virus Apps That Do No Harm, The New York Times
- 29/4/2020: Aplanar la corba abans no s'acceleri, gran lliçó del coronavirus per l'escalfament global, TV3-324
- 28/4/2020: Why do female leaders seem so good at tackling the coronavirus pandemic?, The Telegraph
- 28/4/2020: Enverinada normalitat: la pandemia està lligada a la crisi ambiental i climàtica, Catalunya plural
- 28/4/2020: "La vacuna del coronavirus ya la teníamos, y nos la hemos cargado", El Confidencial
- 28/4/2020: “He vist coses que vosaltres mai haguèssiu pogut imaginar”, El Triangle
- 27/4/2020: The Hidden Nuclear Risk of the Pandemic, The Bulwark
- 27/4/2020: Covid-19 quickly kills some while others don’t show symptoms. Can genetics explain this?, The Washington Post
- 27/4/2020: Dutch spell out green ideas for EU recovery fund, Euractiv
- 26/4/2020: Germany's Covid-19 expert: 'For many, I'm the evil guy crippling the economy', The Guardian
- 25/4/2020, La pandemia y el sistema-mundo, Le Monde Diplomatique
- 25/4/2020: Chomsky on COVID-19: The latest massive failure of neoliberalism, Euractiv
- 25/4/2020: How Latvia has led the world against coronavirus pandemic, Telegraph
- 24/4/2020: Nuclear safety and security during a pandemic, Inrag
- 24/5/2020: To prevent the next pandemic, we must transform our relationship with nature, Medium
- 24/4/2020: What I’ve Learned Treating Patients Suffering From COVID-19, Medium
- 24/4/2020: ‘Distancing is impossible’: refugee camps race to avert coronavirus catastrophe, Nature
- 23/4/2020: Germany at odds with Apple on smartphone coronavirus contact tracing, Reuters
- 22/4/2020: The Real Reason to Wear a Mask, The Atlantic
- 22/4/2020: Portable Ultrasound Proves a Potent Weapon in the Fight Against COVID-19, IEEE Spectrum
- 22/4/2020: What Germany got right in the fight against coronavirus, Telegraph
- 22/4/2020: A mysterious blood-clotting complication is killing coronavirus patients, The Washington Post
- 22/4/2020: 28,000 Missing Deaths: Tracking the True Toll of the Coronavirus Crisis, The New York Times
- 21/4/2020: Coronavirus shows the enormous scale of the climate crisis, Wired
- 20/4/2020: Green energy could drive Covid-19 recovery with $100tn boost, The Guardian
- 20/4/2020: New York Won’t Return to Normal Anytime Soon, Medium
- 19/4/2020: Torra explica el pla de deu passos d’Oriol MItjà per al desconfinament i reclama a Sánchez que Catalunya pugui aplicar-lo, VilaWeb
- 19/4/2020: Corona-crisis Hits Nuclear Sector, Energy Transition
- 19/4/2020: The 6 factors that determine coronavirus containement or devastation, The Washington Post
- 18/4/2020: Peut-on attraper deux fois le coronavirus?, Les Echos
-17/4/2020: Vestager: It’s not a choice between fighting the virus and protecting privacy, Euractiv
- 17/4/2020: Comment la Chine a laissé échapper le coronavirus, La Temps
- 17/4/2020: No es una guerra, El Nacional
- 16/4/2020: The Coronavirus pandemic has created a rare crack in the system – let’s use it to create a better world, Greenpeace
- 16/4/2020: Public want radical response to climate change with same urgency as coronavirus, poll finds, Independent
- 16/4/2020: What caused the coronavirus? A skeptical take on the theories about the outbreak’s Chinese origin, The Washington Post
- 16/4/2020: Regional data suggest much higher Spanish coronavirus toll, Financial Times
- 16/4/2020: Covid-19 is rapidly becoming America’s leading cause of death, The Washington Post
- 15/4/2020: Alondra Nelson on Pandemics, Inequality, and the #CoronavirusSyllabus, IAS
- 15/4/2020: Així incompleix el govern espanyol els criteris de la UE i l’OMS per a començar el desconfinament, VilaWeb
- 14/4/2024: Indispensables, de vegades letals. Els microbis, els virus i nosaltres, Creaf
- 14/4/2020: State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses, The Washington Post
- 14/4/2020: Strategic preparedness and response plan for the new coronavirus, WHO-OMS
- 14/4/2020: Cuomo says he would refuse and challenge an order from Trump to reopen New York's economy if it put residents' health at risk, CNN
- 14/4/2020: La COVID-19 i l'energia, L'Unilateral
- 13/4/2020: Deep Analysis of Global Pandemic Data Reveals Important Insigths, Forbes
- 13/4/2020: Ignominiosa responsabilitat política, i criminal, d’un ‘no-estat’, VilaWeb
- 13/4/2020, Emergencias, energía y límites, Energías Renovables
- 13/4/2020, El movimiento independentista se vuelca en la lucha contra la Covid-19, La Vanguardia
- 12/4/2020: El col·lapse que no va ser?, VilaWeb - Regresions
- 11/4/2020: Evidentment, ràbia positiva, VilaWeb
- 11/4/2020: All 6 Countries With The Best Response To Covid-19 Have 1 Thing In Common: Women Leaders, Scoopwhoop
- 11/4/2020: India Signals Plans to Extend Lockdown Against Coronavirus, While Spain Eases Work Rules: Live Coverage, The New York Times
- 10/4/2020: This video of mousetraps and ping-pong balls makes crystal clear why social distancing works, The Washington Post
- 9/4/2020: Spillover Warning: How We Can Prevent the Next Pandemic, Yale Environment 360
- 9/4/2020: Gavin Newsom Declares California a ‘Nation-State’, Bloomberg
- 9/4/2020: Why Coronavirus Cases Have Spiked in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, The New York Times
- 9/4/2020: Did Ohio get it right? Early intervention, preparation for pandemic may pay off, The Washington Post
- 9/4/2020: Checkpoints, Curfews, Airlifts: Virus Rips Through Navajo Nation, The New York Times
- 9/4/2020: Why the coronavirus outbreak is terrible news for climate change, MIT Technology Review
- 8/4/2020: Belgian-Dutch Study: Why in times of COVID-19 you should not walk/run/bike close to each other, Medium
- 8/3/2020: Global shifts in mammalian population trends reveal key predictors of virus spillover risk, The Royal Society
- 8/3/2020: The mistery how a tiger caught covid-19 has experts chasing their tails, The Washington Post
- 8/4/2020: Questions about the current pandemic from the point of view of Ivan Illich, Quodlibet
- 7/4/2020: Coronavirus. I si ho aprofitem per canviar de direcció?, L'Unilateral
- 7/4/2020: "Véneto está controlando el coronavirus porque no ha seguido a la OMS", El Confidencial
- 6/4/2020: Guide to the Classics: Albert Camus’ The Plague, The Conversation
- 6/4/2020: Cuba, a frenar el coronavirus con homeopatía, La Voz de Galicia
- 6/4/2020: Com preservar la privadesa i controlar la Covid-19 després del confinament? Una proposta de la XNet, VilaWeb
- 6/4/2020: Spain’s Tragedy Was All Too Predictable, Bloomberg
- 5/4/2020: Three reasons why Jacinda Ardern’s coronavirus response has been a masterclass in crisis leadership, The Conversation
- 5/4/2020: Sorry to disappoint climate deniers, but coronavirus makes the low-carbon transition more urgent, The Conversation
- 5/4/2020: COVID19 – PM2.5: A national study on long-term exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 mortality in the United States, Harvard University
- 5/4/2020, COVID-19: 5 Surprising Ways the Pandemic is Changing the Environment, Medium
- 5/4/2020: Carles Muntaner: ‘Jo demanaria la dimissió de Joan Guix, a Catalunya s’han d’exigir responsabilitats’, VilaWeb
- 5/4/2020: Germany's devolved logic is helping it win the coronavirus race, The Guardian
- 4/4/2020: After coronavirus: 'We can't go back to business as usual', The Guardian
- 3/4/2020: New Pathogen, Old Politics, Boston Review
- 3/3/2020: The next pandemic is already comming, unless humans change how we interact with wildlife, scientists say, The Washington Post
- 3/4/2020: Coronavirus and degrowth, The Ecologist
- 2/4/2020: “El control social serà un dels grans guanyadors de la pandèmia”, Diari Educació
- 1/4/2020: Naomi Klein: “La gente habla sobre cuándo se volverá a la normalidad, pero la normalidad era la crisis”, El salto
- abril 2020: Reflexiones para un mundo post-coronavirus, Nueva Sociedad

- 31/3/2020: Protegir la natura és protegir la nostra salut, Creaf
- 31/3/2020: How will coronavirus change the world?, BBC World
- 31/3/2020: The horror films got it wrong. This virus has turned us into caring neighbours, The Guardian
- 30/3/2020: Don’t Just Avoid the Virus — Defeat It by Strengthening Your Immunity, Medium
- 30/3/2020: Marta Tafalla: ‘Si només reaccionem quan el problema ja el tenim al damunt, malament’, VilaWeb
- 30/3/2020: ‘Heath Care Kamikazes’: How Spain's Workers Are Battling Coronavirus, Unprotected, The New York Times
- 28/3/2020: The pandemic as political trial: the case for a global commons, RoarMag
- 28/3/2020: Fin de ciclo (impotencia política e ineficacia aministrativa), Rafael Jimenez Asensio
- 28/3/2020: Tackle climate crisis and poverty with zeal of Covid-19 fight, scientists urge, The Guardian
- 28/3/2020: Spain orders non-essential workers stay home for two weeks, The Guardian
- 27/3/2020: Will Covid-19 have a lasting impact on the environment?, BBC World
- 27/3/2020: Coronavirus and the crisis of the Anthropocene, The Ecologist
- 27/3/2020: Experts’ request to the Spanish Government: move Spain towards complete lockdown, The Lancet
- 27/3/2020: Why the death rate is so bad in Spain – and what it means for the UK, The Telegraph
- 26/3/2020: Nuclear Power Safety and the COVID-19 Pandemic, All Things Nuclear
- 26/3/2020: Horror in Spain Turns to Anger Against Prime Minister, Bloomberg
- 26/3/2020: Covid-19: The history of pandemics, BBC World
- 26/3/2020: COVID-19’s forced de-globalization will rewire and decarbonize energy, Energy Reporters
- 26/3/2020: How did Spain get its coronavirus response so wrong?, The Guardian
- 26/3/2020: 'Protecting forests will help safeguard our future', The Ecologist
- 25/3/2020: Will our democracy still work with coronavirus, Washington Post
- 25/3/2020: Why social distancing might last for some time, BBC World
- 25/3/2020: Lecciones desde Italia: mensaje en una botella que nadie escucha, gentedemediado
- 25/3/2020: Comparing the influenza epidemic of 1918 to the coronavirus, The New Yorker
- 25/3/2020: Coronavirus: 'Nature is sending us a message’, says UN environment chief, The Guardian
- 25/3/2020: A Deluged System Leaves Some Elderly to Die, Rocking Spain’s Self-Image, The New York Times
- 25/3/2020: The Great Empty: Photographs by The New York Times, The New York Times
- 24/3/2020: Psicología de pandemia de coronavirus, Josep Maria Faricgla
- 24/3/2020: A Green Reboot After the Pandemic, Project Syndicate
- 23/3/2020: Could We Be Living Under Coronavirus Forever?, Zora M
- 22/3/2020: How the virus got out, The New York Times
- 21/3/2020: Monologue du Virus, Lundi
- 20/3/2020: Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus, Financial Times
The New York Times
- 19/3/2020, Es indispensable decretar un confinamiento total, El Periódico
- 19/3/2020: Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance, Medium
- 19/3/2020: The Doctor Who Helped Defeat Smallpox Explains What's Coming, Wired
- 19/3/2020: Tip of the iceberg': is our destruction of nature responsible for Covid-19?, The Guardian
- 18/3/2020: L’épreuve politique de la pandémie, Media Part
- 18/3/2020: The resilience of the Spanish health system against the COVID-19 pandemic, The Lancet
- 18/3/2020: There Aren’t Enough Ventilators to Cope With the Coronavirus, The New York Times
- 17/3/2020: The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2, Nature
- 17/3/2020: We’re not going back to normal, Technology Review
- 14/3/2020: Mike Davis on Coronavirus: “In a Plague Year”, Jacobin
- 14/3/2020: Italian over 80 ‘will be left to die’ as country overwhelmed by coronavirus’, The Telegraph
- 14/3/2020: Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to "flatten the curve", The Washington Post
- 13/3/2020: Asi funciona el coronavirus, The New York Times
- 13/3/2020: Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now, Medium. Traducció al català
- 10/3/2020: Can I Boost My Immune System?, The New York Times
- Marzo 2020: De donde viene el coronavirus, Le Monde Diplomatique
- 18/2/2020: Think Exotic Animals Are to Blame for the Coronavirus? Think Again, The Nation
- 4/1/2020: Coronavirus: Catalonia prepares for the worst, Politico


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